Contact us

Please contact us for any questions or to provide input.

Our opening hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 4:30pm
Closed for lunch: 12pm - 12:30pm

Head office
Box 20
432 21 Varberg

Visitor address
Annebergsvägen 3
432 48 Varberg

Tel: +46 340-66 69 00
Fax: +46 340-66 69 22

Billing address
Taiga AB
FE54134-5560844580 Inexchange
SE-831 90 Östersund

eInvoice GLN-code 7332549000009
Operator InExchange
Pdf invoice

Banking details
Bankgiro: 925-8526
IBAN: EUR SE34 8000 0838 8103 7674 8489
SEK SE13 8000 0838 8100 3902 7362
NOK SE86 8000 0838 8103 7097 7605

Moms/VAT-nr: SE 556084458001


Staff members

Each staff member can be reached at

Erika Andersson Sale Support +46 340-66 69 15
Charlotte Axelsson Sale Support +46 340-66 69 13
Nathalie Boman Sale Support +46 340-66 69 28
Jonas Rydholm CD +46 340-66 69 01
Jörgen Sandgren Sales Representative +46 340-66 69 03 +46 709-66 29 03
Maja Gerinder Sales Representative +46 340-66 69 25 +46 705-10 14 86
Oskar Claesson Sales Representative +46 340-66 69 10 +46 709-66 69 10
Carin Erlandsson Sales Representative +46 340-66 69 07 +46 709-66 69 07
Rasmus Wenell Sales Representative +46 340-66 99 21 +46 76-109 91 60
Pontus Johansson Sales Representative +46 340-66 69 04 +46 709-66 69 04
Henrik Ekersund Sales and Marketing Manager +46 340-66 69 27 +46 706-99 90 79
Camilla Johansson Product and Design Manager +46 708-67 04 34
Isabell Fläde Pattern maker +46 340-669922
Josefin Andersson PATTERN MAKER +46 340-66 69 11
Gunni Linderoth Product Technician +46 340-66 69 20
Josefine Rosenqvist Production Manager +46 340-66 69 08
Angelica Stenemo Production Planner +46 340-66 69 29
Yvonne Petersén-Johansson Purchase +46 340-66 69 17
Caj Rydholm Marketing Coordinator +46 340-66 69 23
Louise Bång Marketing Communicator +46 340-66 99 30
Roland Iwanow Development and Fabric Manager +46 340-66 69 06 +46 709-66 69 06
Annika Larsson Sale Support Manager +46 340-66 69 05
Louise Ohlsson CSR & Sustainability Developer +46 340-66 69 24
Fredrik Lingstam Heat Transfer Processing +46 340-66 69 21
Karin Bohlin SAMPLE SEAMSTRESS +46 340-66 69 12
Carina Bussman Seamstress +46 340-66 69 32
Magnus Röshammar Warehouse and Logistics +46 340-66 69 19
Halda Kabil Warehouse and Logistics +46 340-66 69 18
Johanna Hååg Warehouse and Logistics +46 340-66 69 23
Martin Lindblad CFO +46 340-66 69 16
John Rydholm System Maintenance +46 340-66 69 02